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Aug 13, 2020

Our guest on this episode is Ben Cohen. Ben is the Head of Sales Excellence and Marketing, North and South America at Hella which is global automotive manufacturer based out of Germany. 
Ben and I tackle two big topics during the podcast. First we discuss getting back to good messaging and how to solve your customer’s problems, establishing USPs, and thinking creatively. Then we dive into the sale enablement tech stack discussing which tools are essential and which are marginal at best. 
But before we jump into the episode I would like to let you know that T-REX has gone virtual for 2020!  Like many other in-person events we had to move online to make it happen. Join us for the first ever T-REX Virtual Conference Extravaganza. This will be a 3 hours virtual conference with 4 great speakers and lots of key sales takeaways. For details on our agenda and tickets or go to