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Dec 17, 2019

Our guest on this episode is Curt Tueffert. Curt is the VP of Sales Development at DXP Enterprises and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston. 
Curt and I kick off the episode discussing how to properly onboard a new sales rep to ensure long term success and retention. It has been proven that sales reps...

Dec 10, 2019

Our guest on this episode is Anita Nielsen. Anita is sales enablement consultant and performance coach. She is also the author of Beat the Bots - How your Humanity can Future-Proof your Tech Sales Career. 
As the year winds down its time to start planning for the new year. Anita and I start off the episode discussing...

Dec 3, 2019

Our guest on this episode is Sangram Vajre. Sangram is the co-founder and Chief Customer Evangelist at Terminus. He is also the co-author of the book ABM is B2B which can be found on Amazon.
Sangram and I start the conversation discussing B2B selling and how focusing on quality and not quantity can increase your rate....

Nov 19, 2019

Our guest on this episode is Dale Dupree.  Dale is life long sales professional and the founder of the Sales Rebellion. TSR is for those that are looking to change the game when it comes to sales. 
Dale and I jump right into it and discuss the impact his Dad had on his life. Needles to say Dale’s Dad has had the...

Nov 12, 2019

Our guest on this episode is John Barrows.  John runs JBarrows Sales Training which focuses on helping teams and individuals fill up the pipeline and close more deals. John also recently wrote a book called “I want to be in sales when I grow up”. 
We start the podcast discussing how John "fell into" sales, selling...