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Apr 21, 2020

Our guest on this episode is Nick Beil. Nick is the President at Narrative Science
Nick and I kick off the episode discussing “getting back to sales basics”. We open with how sales teams need to rethink how they market and sell their products. Sellers first must approach the conversation to find out IF and then HOW they can help. Discover the pain, determine if there is a fit and then develop a solution proposal. Great conversation with lots of good take aways. 
But before we jump into the episode I want to thank our sponsor the T-REX Summit the southeast’s premier sales and marketing growth conference. Like many events we have pushed out T-REX and our new date is now September 1 & 2 at the Carolina Theatre in Durham. 
We’ve got a great lineup of speakers including Cal Fussman, a world renown speaker, journalist and author, Erica Schultz the CMO at the RAIN Group, Brad McGinity the CRO at 15five, Aliisa Rosenthal the VP Sales at Walkme and Melissa Sargent the CMO at Litmus to name a few. 
Go to or more info or to purchase your ticket today and use coupon code “BestSelling" to take 50% off your ticket price now.